Thursday, May 27, 2010

I can't describe you...

Someone on twitter said to describe what they love about you. I thought about it and thought about it, but I couldn't do it. And it's not that I couldn't because I don't, that is definitely NOT the case... I couldn't do it because there are too many things.

So, in order to get this off my chest without stating who I am talking about (even though if you know me, you know who this is about)... here I am; showing my heart to the world.

To me you are more than a man you are a breath of fresh air every time you walk into room. If the room is dark, I feel like just you walking into the room creates light for people to see. Your smile is breathtaking, and also, it is infectious. I look at you smiling, then start to smile and then blush because now I am smiling. Your eyes have compassion and warmth behind them and I feel like they pierce every part of my body. Your hands and arms are strong and welcoming, inviting people into your life that you try sometimes to hide. You are gorgeous and you know it, but you are modest never let people know your secrets. But as gorgeous as you are on the outside, what I love about you, is how you are more gorgeous on the inside. Your laugh engulfs me like a heavy blanket on a cold day. Even though you aren't the brightest crayon in the box, the look in your eyes when you figure out something is endearing. The compassion you have for what you love makes me feel like anything I was to ever love will never compare to your commitment to your craft. You are witty and funny, and even though I feel like when I am around you I laugh for days, I feel like you could make me laugh for a lifetime. My mouth seems to always been turned up in a silly grin when I am around you, heck, even when I am talking about you. It never ceases to amaze me that as little as our conversations may be, you know exactly what to say to make the butterflies in my stomach go wild. Your mind, your mouth, your wit, your laughter, everything about you is amazing, but honestly, nothing compares to your heart. If I could take a piece of your heart, even if it was only the size of a mustard seed, I would run with it and hold it close to my own. Because then I would know that a little piece of you would be with me forever.

Now that I have exposed a little bit (ok, a LOT of myself)... I am going to stop. Even though I could keep going and going.


P.S. I would be a liar if I said I didn't get a little emotional writing my feelings.

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